Semicon & hightech industry
Clean production is essential
The digital world is growing at lightning speed. And the foundation of this? Chips. In the semiconductor industry, Moore's Law still applies. The demand for chips continues to rise, for example, for consumer electronics, computing & data storage in data centers, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Over the past 40 years, the Netherlands has developed into a key player in the global chip industry. Its unique ecosystem consists of:
- Over 300 hightech companies, suppliers, and research institutions
- Close collaboration and intensive partnerships
- Similar working methods
These strengths are hard to replicate and make the Netherlands unique. Our country is a leader in niche markets such as lithography and chip design.
Continuous improvement is central to the ecosystem. Companies set increasingly higher standards and work with QLTCS objectives (Quality, Logistics, Technology, Costs, Sustainability). Transparency across all areas is crucial, and sustainability is playing an increasingly important role. The supply chain responds flexibly to this, requiring continuous improvement from all parties involved.

Role of ERIKS in the hightech industry
ERIKS is a key supplier in the high-tech industry ecosystem. We respond flexibly to rapid changes in a cyclical and highly volatile market. As a specialized industrial service provider, we understand the complexity and challenges of the sector.
We support our customers at various stages:
- Development phase - through engineering and product development
- Volume phase - by realizing the required capacity (4M) and quality in the supply chain
Our standard approach is the QLTCS model. Our specialized Semicon team monitors and ensures performance while adapting to market demands:
- Higher predictability of production volumes and deliveries
- Maximum yield
- Faster introductions of engineered products and assemblies
In addition, we continuously optimize processes through a continuous improvement program.

Every day, we align production schedules with our customers to ensure the requested On Time In Full (OTIF) performance. Thanks to the expansion of our cleanrooms in the country, we can meet the growing demand for clean products. Additionally, with our rubber lab, we develop, test, and produce materials that comply with regulations and meet specific requirements, such as being PFAS-free.
ERIKS is the ultimate technological partner for machine builders. We advise, engineer, and manufacture high-tech products for applications such as lithography, medical equipment, precision, and optical instruments. We elevate the technological roadmap of machine builders to a higher, future-proof level.
ERIKS has 3 cleanrooms in Alkmaar
The demands for clean production and packaging are becoming increasingly stringent. One of the biggest challenges is preventing contamination. Microscopic particles—measured in nanometers—can severely disrupt critical industrial processes.
This was the reason ERIKS decided to invest in a new Clean Manufacturing Facility in 2019, bringing and managing the entire supply chain under one roof. We focus on the entire process surrounding clean products to take the burden off your shoulders, a concept we call 'Lean in Clean.'
In September 2023, we opened our third cleanroom in Alkmaar, adding nearly another 1,000 m² of space.
Watch the short video 'ERIKS | Lean in Clean'. [also on Youtube]
Rapid Prototyping and 3D printing
Smaller, faster, better—that’s the focus, and ERIKS offers you a skilled team of engineers to support this. They carefully guide your project from start to finish, advising on the best design and rapid prototyping process for your specific needs.
Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing is a relatively new production technique that we are increasingly utilizing. For example, it can be used to assess whether the desired high-quality standards for your project are achievable. We achieve this through our own research into the applicability of the technique, as well as fundamental material research in collaboration with leading research institutions.

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Onze services voor maatwerk

Engineering - van idee tot model
Uw bedrijf, productieproces, installaties of eindproducten zijn uniek. Om uw specifieke wensen en eisen volledig in vervulling te laten te gaan, is in veel gevallen maatwerk nodig. Vooral wanneer u toe bent aan een snellere, slimmere of efficiëntere productie. ERIKS is uw partner bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe componenten, complete producten of materialen. Onze Engineering afdelingen zijn de kraamkamers van menige innovatie.

Clean Manufacturing - schoon verpakte producten
De vraag naar schone productie heeft de afgelopen jaren een enorme vlucht genomen. In onze nieuwe Clean Manufacturing Facility produceren, cleanen en verpakken wij slangen, afdichtingen en afsluiters voor bedrijven in de food, farma en de semicon. Door minder schakels in de Supply Chain profiteert u van kostenbesparingen en snellere leveringen.

De wijze hoe wij met elkaar communiceren, hoe u componenten bestelt of hoe u onderhoud uitvoert, is het afgelopen decennium radicaal veranderd. ERIKS heeft nieuwe (digitale) systeemoplossingen geïntroduceerd om het managen van uw productieproces of zelfs een gehele plant efficiënter te laten plaatsvinden.
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