Corporate Website structure with relations to Ethics and Compliance

Compliance Statement

ERIKS is committed to the preservation of its reputation and integrity through compliance with applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards in each of the markets in which it operates. All employees are expected to adhere to these laws, regulations and ethical standards, and management is responsible for ensuring such compliance.

To underline the importance of this commitment, we have formulated our position on legal requirements and ethical issues in our globally applicable Code of Business Conduct, which serves as a guide to our behavior in business dealings. Because we value responsible and lawful behavior beyond our company boundaries, we also have a Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

ERIKS will only export in compliance with export regulations and restrictions of the applicable jurisdictions. ERIKS will not export to any country, entity or person to which such export is prohibited under the relevant laws and regulation.

Our ethics and compliance efforts are supplemented by a Speak Up system. Employees, business partners, as well as third parties have the opportunity to voice concerns or report irregular behavior at any time on

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